Sunday, August 16, 2009

Frankly....its Franky and its Creepy.....

Mary Shelly's Frankestein....

I dont know why tapi saya teringat sangat dekat Frankenstein..... one of the most famous horror stories of all time...... an epic love story, a study of human relationships, ambition and pride the story also deals with science and was set in the 1700's - the age of enlightenment and reason...... go figure...brilliant this Mary Shelly seorang Romantis.... i likeeee.....

full of parallel, contrast and ironies...gosh sounds seriously like my life...maybe yours too....

Victor was a sad case.... we cant play god.... we shouldn't play with fire.....never ever....never that song by i dont know who is humming in my mind....never ever.....STOP!!! urgh....the irony of the story is that it all started with love but turned out the utmost opposite....

Frankenstein....the movie directed by Kenneth Branagh portrays real life.....yes it does....cuba tgk illustrates the both good and evil qualities in life. It showed the cost of running away from your responsibilities and how it took only one man to create a monster.

Franky was initially not a threat at all....he started out as kind and wanted to understand his surroundings....he longed for friends after learning of love, compasion and acceptance from a distance.... he was fond of the family he spied on....very much indeed..... he hoped the 'family' would appreciate the good things he did for them......

then...ta da....maybe big mistake he made (tapi sampai bilakah seseorang itu harus bersembunyi bukan) - he made his apperane presence - but alas!!! only the blind old man accepted him...the others? they were disgusted by the sight of this Franky 'creature' assuming the initially kind Franky was there to harm them.....

Oh dear...oh my.....physical appearance means so much more than mental capacity...physical appearance means so much more than what someone has inside them to potentially give...... and what struck me was that we all...all of us have a little bit of this ugly character inside of us.....

Tragedy by tragedy confronts him, but his creator was no where in sight to take responsibility... hes creator betrayed him.....Franky wanted revenge......he ran away and opted for the easy way out...just shoot Franky he could you could you shoot something you yourself created....

It wasnt his fault Franky acted like Victor...youre suppose to be the smart one....but initially he lost to a 'monster' he didnt even finish off..... in this case my dear readers...(err ada ke readers?) being 'intelligent' only brought misery......

we all need love......but love alone is never enough, for what is love??? SOmeone once said, okay not someone but a quote or proverb or something like that...." Love is when you lust for whats inside and Lust is when you love what you see".... oh dearie!

We need love, yes we do....but discipline and guidance...being balanced...will make sure we dont turn into a selfish, self centered immature man like Victor Frankenstein ****thunder and lighting bolt strikes*******

Never start something if you know you cant uphold your responsibility to could and many people do...until its too late....well...perhaps we can all learn.... just continue to learn......

Terima Kasih dan Selamat Malam!

AAAAAAAHHHH bestnya dapat menulis.....


  1. I've watched the original Frankenstein film a few times. It's got some comical parts. In one scene he almost strangles a cat.

    Cerita Orang Minyak by P. Ramlee also has the same theme. Orang buta saja yang menerimanya.

  2. frankenstein sebenarnya ada hati yang putih/baik...boleh jadi manusia sempurna (perasaan) jika orang2 sekelilingnya memberikan peluang.
