May Allah grant us the inner strength and peace to reach our true utmost potential...
May Allah protect us and guide us - for without it we would be fooled in this worldly maze that has no end... "Dan ingatlah kehidupan di dunia ini tidak lain hanyalah kesenengan bagi orang yang terpedaya" (Ali 'Imran 3:185)
17 times a day we ask The Most gracious the Most Merciful to guide us...ihdinassiratolmustaqim...
Yet sometime i loose track Ya Allah... i get off balanced...i fall down...please let me get back up... and be the person im suppose to be...
Allah is too kind..too close...too forgiving, too loving...but why do we ask and seek upon 'elsewhere' for contentment?
NIlai semula....Kuatkan minda...
Genggam bara sehingga menjadi api...
Lots of Love,