Sunday, January 24, 2010

....It came from YOU......

I found something NEW....
how it came about i dont have a clue....
the strength, the spirit, no longer blue.....
I would like to believe it came from YOU....

I believe in giving all ive got,
though little not a whole LOT!

I would like to share with the world....
Even if not as valuable as a pearl...
the ideas and thoughts of this girl....
i hope will cause some kind of twirl....

The twirl comes i hope not for us to drown,
but for us to think and put on a tiny frown,
We plan red but it will end up brown,
the cobweb should never pull us down....

YOu..Ya Allah...give me hope....
You My Lord....even if im in a rope....
My God, i always feel im near a slope....

But i climb that rope, get back on the slope and continue to hope...
Thank you Allah...



  1. Yes, Allah is everything for us..

    May Allah bless you always akak..=)

  2. salam,
    Hope we all Will Get Bless From Allah SWT.

  3. salam..kenal@persahabatan,
    lawatan dr org taiping

  4. what's important is that do not lose our hope.... it is a challenge that we must face....

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  5. ~salam sis, InsyaAllah.. DIA sts bersama kita suka n duka... :) all the best!
