Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Warning...this entry does not make sense...:)

Its tough...... yes it is.....its life.....
Some get it easy...... some dont...some wants it easy......some just complicate theirs....some keep it simple....some just dont care...some throw theirs down the drain...some...some just let it be...just let days pass......wasting it away..... like old dry leaves.... wrinkled creased, crisp and craggy.....

Theres decisions and then theres actions ....
Theres implications and then theres causation....
Theres things you just want to do...but never get to do.....
And then theres things you dont want to do but .....just do...coz err....u have too??

its not about wanting...its about doing what needs to be done.....
i dont make sense do i.... nevermind...i rarely do..... tu yang mengacara macam budak sekolah tu....

Ada tak orang baca artikel dalam utusan hari tu?
now,now...yes im not the best.... i make mistakes..... i have my moods...sometimes theres so much problems that although i try to hide it on air..nampak jugak kecelaruan tu....

I try though... tapi komen2 yang clearly sebab dengki dan iri hati tak patut disiarkan.... i would think if im a datin or married to someone yang kaya raya, ada pangkat....mesti tak keluar surat mcm tu...

Manusia.....lagi2 kat Malaysia (sebab kat Aussie, serious tak ada penyakit gila gelaran dan harta serta kereta macam ni) if you dont have the money, you dont have the contacts (i rarely send hampers to reporters and meet them nowdays, in fact i never do...theres the problem maybe.....) then they think they can trample on you..... except those who actualy know me, sat down with me.... but i dont have the luxury......

i would and will try to improve...but dont bring me down sebab sakit hati...dengki atau iri hati.. read hamza yusofs purification of the heart.....! WOuld do u, me and all of us some good....... im reading it again now! But wait..... i have my thick textbooks to read...! arghhh so little time....so many things to do.... time management..........any experts out there? coz im seriously desperately need to regulate my time.....

anyway, anyhow.....a scholar once said...dont run away and shun your enemies...for its them who will tell you the truth..... so listen to them.... and i should and shall do just that...thank you....

Yes the world is round.......round...rolling..... so is life.....
the pins knocked by the heavy rolling ball.....
If yours go into the drain..... try again.....


  1. Be strong kak!! URE ALWAYS HAVE SUPPORTER!! Ur blog is one of my inspiration, sincerity is in your blood. Cheer up, and know that even Prophet has his hard time... XD


  2. A'kum.. just terbaca Utusan writeup that u mention. Just feel like saying "no need to waste brain energy replying to accusation that doesn't need reply". Just be yourself and b yourself :) all the best.
    p/s : So far, Aziz Desa is my fav pengacara MHI cos he just be himself, and add value and knowledge to us listeners - we learn something new from him when he's on air.
    So perhaps the key is, listeners will come back to watch you and team if you got something to add to listeners domain knowledge cos masa tu emas ( surah Al Asr) , and we want to spent a fraction of our waking ours yng sekadar 12-18 hrs watching u on air learning something new, if there's any :) watch NBC Today show, and learn how Matt Laurie handles the show. Wallahualam :)

  3. gotta agree with u on this. when i was brisbane and toronto,nobody cares what u ada or takde. of course you'll have nosy people around but takde lah sampai dengki macam most asians. i'm not stereotyping but after 8 years back in asia i'm still struggling to adapt. anyways the more you try to be more humane, the more you try menambah ketakwaan, lebih hebat lah dugaan. be true to yourself......
    insyaallah GOD will give you strength.

  4. nik, pak and husieno..... Thank you...for reading my nonsense...my ramblings..and actually replying...honestly thisblog was meant for me to read alone.....its so embarrassing i feel at times...fr 'strangers' to read your thougts.....but after a while i appreciate it...i appreciate the replies and 'friends' who are actually so far...yet so near....theres actually so much more i want to share...but ill take it slowly..... need to belajar lagi mcana nak managae blog-blog ni...cant spil everything out here now can i? ;) have to keep things to myself too...hehe

    and husieno.... so true... it comes to a point you feel so sick..but i guess im just gonna remain content with myself and what i have....

    sweetlah replies ni...thanks everyone!

  5. like the quote.. what i do best when people talk bad thing about me is keep quite..

    be strong sis..

  6. hi dina ....the funny part is smpai sekecik2 perkara like betulkan tudung and so ever pun dia nak touch... the way u betul tudung doesn't affect al all the content of the program. each person have their own style ...kelakar pun ada but anyway gud luck u byk inspire i on brestfed baby .....

  7. hi.. i pun ada terbaca komen pasal u kat paper hari tu.. my opinion, tak semua org suka kat kita.. lain org, lain taste dia.. dia suka abby fana.. so what?? kenapa dia nak kritik u lebih2 pulak...

    i suka kalau u on-air..sempatlah spend few minutes watching u sebelum pergi kerja..especially when u talked about books..:) tapi i takdelah nak kutuk pengacara lain2 tu walaupun i tak suka ally and abby.. so..mana2 komen yg membina tu, take it positively while yg nak menjatuhkan tu.. abai kan je la...be strong.. good luck to u..

  8. assalamualaikum kak wardina..
    life is surely tough and the people surrounding just make it so much harder.let's just not get lost in the definition of us in their eyes.be true to ourself.and pape pun,kalau kita happy,others can just get lost.hehe
    hopefully u r doin good there..

  9. patience always win.. Allah kan adil.. what goes around always come around..back at them!

  10. Assalamualaikum kak Dina@ Deen..
    Setiap manusia dijadikan berbeza-beza dari segi kelebihan dan kekurangan. Manusia juga diberikan akal untuk berfikir dengan waras juga diberikan peluang untuk melontarkan pandangan ataupun kritikan yang membina bukan sekadar ingin membandingkan antara pengacara itu dengan pengacara ini. Itu tindakan yang tidak bijak sekadar menyatakan apa yang dia suka sahaja .. Kak Dina anda punya kelebihan yang tersendiri bila berada di set MHI. Saya sukakan anda dan semua pengacara MHI. MHI memberikan informasi dan peneman pagi saya SEkeluarga. Jadikanlah kritikaN itu sebagai suatu rintangan kecil buat kak dina untuk lebih maju di masa akan datang.. Be The BEST...GOOD LUCK

  11. Salam Kak Dina....

    I've always fond about you... before you transformation until today...
    And yes, I've come across the comments in the Utusan...
    I just feel that the comments was just a lame one...
    People do mistakes...
    In fact other TV presenter does it too...
    Either you're from private or public TV station...
    Anyway will miss you present in MHI...
    Best wishes in ur future undertakings then....

  12. i read the comment, i try to find ways to reply the comment until i found tis blog. To me u're a gd presenter n very knowledgeable person as compared to some of you who likes to use bombastic words until people doesn't understand. At least you have your own way to present. i like yr staile, 'selamba' and full of info. just keep it up....
