Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Another 365 days ahead....
If we ever get to count all of it that is...
If ever Allah will give us a chance to correct ourselves.....
If we do no continue to be ignorant and forget what we are here for you see,
If we indeed remember to learn from yesterday's lessons you know......
No i have no new years resolution.....but i have hope....hope for the 10...the 2010...
Hope for myself, my children, my family my life and my country....
Its never too late.....never too late....
the 10 things i hope for in 2010
1. Our Akhlak primarily MINE shall by the grace of Allah be of less flaws.... from my appearance, my choice of words, my faith, my strength saying NO to all the wrong evil whispers that syaitan constantly NON stop-24 hour (like 7-eleven) shoves into my mind..... less ill feelings towards others, more patience, and never to hurt others....Amin
2.To spend more quality time with my beautiful Family and Friends that really make my life worth while living.....
3. To appreciate life more......thank Allah just for the air im breathing, the eyes and mouth and feet and hands and nose and ears and body you let me use for a while...hopefully ill put it to good use..its not my body i know..its on loan...for a while..... thank you for the food, the shelter the love you bless me with.... the little things i,.. we... usually overlook...
4. To help others who need help it animals, plants or humans... save the ailing earth..recycle lah...asingkan sampah....
5. I hope for Malaysia to be safer with crime busting a top priority by authorities....
6. Please oh please i hope for corruption to come to an end...but with the engines and god knows what more missing were gonna rank lower you wait and see says Transparency International....another few notches down.....crazy!
7. I hope Malaysians will be able to get out of debt...and i personally hope to be smarter in managing my finances...
8. Hope the implementing of GST or any stupid taxes will be properly be managed to BENEFIT the already suffering rakyat! (i hear you...yeah right!)
9. sincerely hope the poor and less fortunate get quality health international standard...jealous dengar how the gverment cares for the sick abroad primarily in Australia and New Zealand.... both private and governmental health god....issues...issues.... privatization means the best cost more, and the best are only for the rich.... how unfair...unnecessary tests and medication....
The long ques patients have to endure for a 5-10 minute consultation..... the long wait for operations and treatments... the "mistakes" dr's make.... (i know for a fact a case where a boy was WRONGLY diagnosed for cancer!!!! cancer you here....setelah melalui chemotherapy for years...they say oppsss!!!! sorry..salah.... )
i hope a mechanism whereabouts the dr's from the private and government sector can work together.... share resources and experience..... oh dear..... my hopes are endless...but i will continue to do so....
10. I hope the education system will be reviewed as so to be RELEVANT to international standards.......graduate from UNI and you still need training? says it all.... im spending a bomb sending my daughters to a private school coz i really dont trust the standard Malaysian syllables....
and i end this by saying.........."May all your troubles last as long as your New Year's resolutions".........
when you have health you have hope...when you have hope you have everything....
continue on hoping.... always hope......
Love to All,
Friday, December 25, 2009
Saya MElayu....?
Saya sebenarnya tak tahu saya bangsa apa.... dari kecil saya sangat keliru....
bangsa walaupun memberi kita sedikit refleksi mengenai asal usul dan jati diri... sesuatu bangsa tidak akan berjaya hanya kerana bergantung kepada masa silamnya...benar ianya boleh memberi inspirasi dan semangat, tapi semangat boleh datang dari mana-mana.....
sekiranya bangsa itu tidak mencari ilmu, maka sesuatu bangsa akan menjadi gelap dan jahil. lebih parah lagi jika kejahilan itu tidak disedari. dunia banyak berubah....bangsa berjaya adalah bangsa yang berubah dengan keadaan, bukan menuntut sesuatu hak keistimewaan dan terus mahu bertongkat...tiada bangsa yang akan berjaya jika terus bersikap begitu ... "Ilmulah yang akan menukar nilai pandangan" kata zaid ibrahim..... cari lah ilmu, luaskankan minda dari fikiran sempit selama ini....
tidak saya bukan ahli politik..tetapi minat dengan dunia politik dan kerakusan kuasa sesetangah pihak.... sedih dengan politik perkauman yang sengaja diapi-apikan..... risau dengan rasuah.....kerana anak-anak saya akan membesar di negara ini...
saya bukan menyokong parti A atau B....jadi jangan menilai saya kerana membaca buku ini, saya membaca banyak buku untuk memberi minda saya perspektif dari banyak segi.....
aduhai.....bilalah bangsa ini akan menjadi bangsa yang bermaruah? dilema dari dulu...kini dan janganlah selamanya....
kejayaan yang dikecapi janganlah menggadai maruah dan nilai diri.....
kata zaid yang benar-benar menyentuh - (saya baru mula baca dah sudah begitu terasa....zaid melahirkan rasa kecewanya dengan sangat ikhlas sekali.....)
"Tdak ada jalan mudah dalam hidup ini untuk mencapai kejayaaa. Lebih-lebih lagi kalau kita orang kebanyakkan yang bukan dari golongan ternama atau bangsawan yang sudah ada pangkat. Kejayaan yang dicari mesti lah berasakan kepada keupayaan dan usaha gigih"........
"Kalau melayu mengharai harga diri, mestilah sanggup menolak budaya rasuah atau menjadi 'pak turut' untuk mencari pangkat dan upah"..
zaid menyuru supaya kita mengguna "intelek" untuk berhujah...."{hujah dilawan hujah, kalau dilawan tangan, itu biadap namanya"...gunalah lapangan berdiskusi dengan berhemah mengguna bahasa dan hujah yang munasabah....
untuk menjawab dengan hujah, maka ilmu perlu dicari....
bacalah dan nilailah....anak-anak melayu...bangkitlah....
***im trying to finish the book by tomorrow...ill update my thoughts later*** as if anyones interested .... ;)
Thursday, December 24, 2009
banyak katogeri...sakit hati, sakit kaki, sakit kulit, sakit mata, sakit perut, sakit mulut, sakit kaki, sakit mati....
anda sakit apa? semua sakit ada ubatnya? cari sampai jumpa....
jangan percayakan dr semata, kadang-kadang diberi ubat entah apa-apa....
kadangkala sakit itu cuma perlukan kita untuk merehat minda dan berjumpa dengan kawan atau keluarga....
sekarang ni saya tengah sakit....banyak lagi sakit yang tak ditulis lagi..ada yang nak tambah?
Memang sakit....saya sakit...terlalu sakit....
siapa ada ubat tolong bagi sikit....tapi sakit saya bukan sikit.... sikt ubat untuk sakit.... sakit yang sudah lama terpendam dalam lubuk jiwa yang paling dalam....
alah...hidup tak lama, jadi padamkan kesakitan..tak pun tahankan aja...lama-lama hilanglah dengan sendiri...cuma takut timbul kembali....
jap eh, nak cari plaster.....budak-budak kalau sakit letak plaster hilang terus....
ill try that then...plaster it all over.....
Friday, December 18, 2009
Ikan lumba-lumba adalah binatang yang amat digemari oleh semua lapisan masyarakat. Mereka bijak dan mampu menceriakan sesiapa sahaja. Ikan lumba-lumba adalah mamalia seperti juga kita manusia. Di kebanyakkan Negara, ikan lumba-lumba dilindungi daripada dieksploitasi dan penyiksaan. Data menunjukkan bahawa sekurang-kurangnya 2’700 ikan lumba-lumba ditangkap dari habitat asal mereka. 53% yang hidup, akan mati dalam masa 90 hari dan setengah dari mereka mati dalam dua tahun pertama akibat terseksa di ‘tempat’ baru, kerana mereka tidak boleh menyusuaikan diri. Kajian menunjukkan bahawa ikan lumba-lumba adalah antara haiwan yang tidak mungkin dapat menyesuaikan diri dalam ‘kurungan’ walau selama mana pun mereka dilatih. NAluri semulajadi mereka adalah di lautan, melompat dan bebas bergerak.
The Dolphins and Sea Lion Show” yang dibawakan oleh LD Sports Sdn Bhd, menampilkan dua ekor ikan lumba-lumba bernama Rio and Karon dan sepasang singa laut bernama Gendon and Brad menunjukkan bagaimana Malaysia dan rakyatnya tidak sentsitif langsung mengenai hak dan isu eksploitasi binatang. Saya merasa dukacita mereka dibenarkan dibawa masuk ke Negara ini. Binatang-binatang ini akan diusung dari Kuala Lumpur kemudian ke Penang dan Johor selama tiga bulan berturut-turut. Cubalah bayangkan bagaimana siksanya mereka terpaksa diangkat kesana kemari hanya kerana ingin memberi “hiburan” kepada manusia.
Rio and Karon dipaksa melakukan tiga pertunjukkan satu hari pada hari biasa dan sehingga lima pertunjukkan sehari pada hari Sabtu dan Ahad! Bayangkanlah betapa penatnya mereka. Sudahlah mereka dikurung dalam penjara buatan manusia. Jika kita pun disuruh bekerja melakukan sesuatu yang tidak sepatutnya, pasti ada perasaan derita di hati bukan? Sekurang-kurangnya kita dibayar gaji dan tidak dikurung dalam ‘penjara’. Mamalia ini Cuma diberi makan ikan mati, yang tidak pun mereka gemari! Diet ikan lumba-lumba, adalah ikan hidup yang segar!
Binatang ini juga punyai perasaan. Sayangnya perasaan ikan lumba-lumab tidak mampu dizahirkan di wajah mereka. Hakikatnya otot di muka ikan lumba-lumba tidak boleh bergerak, oleh sebab itu, sedih atau takut, sakit atau sihat, mereka akan kelihatan sepert ‘tersenyum’ sentiasa.
Persembahan singa laut dan ikan lumba-lumba ini tidak member secebis pun maklumat atau pengajaran berguna kepada penonton yang hadir, yang rata-ratanya terdiri dari golongan anak-anak. Tidak ada sedikit pun cerita mengenai binatang ini, dari mana asalnya, bagaimana habitatnya, apa yang mereka gemari? Mesej yang diberikan kepada penonton adalah – “Tidak mengapa kita bersuka ria, dan bertepuk tangan. Tidak salah kita menangkap ikan lumba-lumba ini dan memaksa mereka menghiburkan kita. Melayan binatang seperti objek hiburan adalah perbuatan yang boleh diterima”. Music yang kuat dan pengacara yang menjengkelkan membuatkan saya merasa begitu simpati sekali kepada haiwan-haiwan ini.
Di akhir pertunjukkan, puluhan manusia akan beratur panjang untuk mengambil gambar dengan ikan lumba-lumba ini dan dikenakan caj tambahan RM15. Ikan lumba-lumba tidak suka disentuh oleh begitu ramai orang! memegang ikan lumba-lumba dengan sesuka hati, menyebabkan mereka merasa tekanan yang amat dahsyat. Tekanan ini menebabkan usus dalaman mereka rosak dan ini boleh membawa kepada kematian.
Tempat ‘tinggal’ Ria dan Karon terlalu kecil pada pandangan saya. Ikan lumba-lumba di lautan menyelam sehingga 150 kaki dan melompat serta berenang beratus-ratus kilometer jauhnya. ‘Penjara’ ini cuma 2.5 meter dalam, saya seperti mahu mengalirkan air mata. Menurut pekerja yan bertugas “sangkar” singa laut lebh kecil lagi. Cara binatang ini dieksploitasi, menunjukkan bahawa manusia sememangnya sangat tamak dan tidak berperikemanusiaan. Haiwan ini dikerah bekerja bagi segelintir untuk mendapat pulangan. Jika Malaysia mahu mencapai status Negara maju, pertunjukkan sebegini sepatututnya tidak dibenarkan dan diharamkan di Negara ini. Saya pasti negara-negara maju tidak akan membenarkan pertunjukkan yang jelas menyeksa binatang-binatang ini masuk ke dalam Negara mereka. Saya lebih terkejut lagi apabila melihat logo Tourism Malaysia tertera di kain rentang pertunjukkan ini, walhal hakikatnya Tourism Malaysia tidak pernah pun bekerjasama dengan penganjur. Bagaimana mereka dengan sesuka hati boleh meletakkan logo Tourism Malaysia tanpa kebenaran. Dan siapakah yang membenarkan pertunujkkan ini masuk ke Malaysia?
Bukalah mata anda semua, bersuaralah dan hentikanlah kekejaman ini! Ikan lumba-lumba ini sepatutnya bebas berenang di lautan bersama keluarga mereka! Saya pasti Malaysia, kerajaan, wakil rakyat, NGO dan rakyatnya peka kepada nasib malang binatang-binatang ini.
RIA DAN KARON TELAH DICULIK DARI LAUT JAWA....fakta yang menyedihkan ialah, apabila seekor dolphin diambil dari 'ahli keluarganya' - sekurang-kurangnya seekor ahli yang lain akan mati akibat kesedihan...mereka binatang yang sangat rapat dengan keluarga....
mereka juga mempunyai kulit yang sangat sensitif..apabila dipaksa melompat, bukan shaja usus dalaman mereka pecah dan rosak.... malah kulit mereka sakit
mereka akan mengalami stress yang amat dahsyat secara fizikal dan mental apabila dipaksa hidup dalam penjara buatan manusia, mereka juga akan hilang antara anugerah paling berharga iaitu "eco location". Kerana tiada ikan hidup, hanya dinding konkirt dan air klorin yang amat tidak sihat untuk mereka.
dolphin berkomunikasi dengan sonar....apabila dikurung di satu tempat yang kecil, sonar akan terpantul pada muka dinding dan dipantulkan semula kepada dolphin tersebut, ianya sangat menyeksa dolphin itu.....sakit sebab berdengung-dengung...
SEDIHNYA apabila doplhin dan singa laut ini dibawa ke merata dunia dan KE NEGARA-NEGARA ISLAM seerti syiria, jeddah...dan juga ke negara membangun thailand, vetnam, philiphines....DAN MALAYSIA ....negara maju takkan bagi masuk!!! jelas menganya binatang
saya tidak dapat tidur malam...i have to do something!!! not just sit and be sorry!
sedih bila tengok rakyat malaysia bertepuk-tepuk tangan gembira...cluless and oblivious!!!! SICKENING to the bone!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Whispers through the Air
i cant be the one....
whos going to ask around.....
dont ask me why...
though i could try to justify...
not to you really..
explaining to myself merely....
that will always be me...
try to compose and be merry...
merry i am...and really happy...
happy i will be even more,
if things be as they were before....
a substitute just wouldnt do,
couldnt find the connection between the two....
it comes it goes...
it disappears and it glows....
always will be there...
no matter how, when or where....
even though not there...
i dont dispare.
i still feel the whispers....
as if your lips close to my ear....
i keep on going....
coz even though not there...
you send me magic and courage through the air......
Sunday, November 29, 2009
i want a new lipstick...
i want a clock that's antic....
i want to paint something artistic.....
but maybe just a lipstick that's oh so fantastic....
WAIT!!! or a new bag thats authentic.....??
i hate all the politics....
what? u said its democratic???
to me its just so,so problematic....
and people get incredibly pathetic....
i need a little kick....
but nothing too drastic...
something that is therapeutic...
like reading something poetic.....
dont be sympathetic..
coz im not going to be apologetic...
i like people who are sarcastic...
but please dont try any slapstick...
and stay away from me plastic!
what oh what do i need really?
i sound lunatic?
i would like to believe its instead exotic...:)
i know you like it...
just dont get too frantic...
Now i know what i need....
dont mean to be too simplistic...
but what i need....IS....
just a nice new bright red lipstick...
that will be just oh so fantastic!!!
Penat just sooo penat when things stay stagnant...
for an exciting adventurous soul like myself...its killing me...
when things dont change and people are complacent i cringe...
you dont get it do you.... things wont change if YOU dont change!
Change is never please get out from that ridiculous comfort zone and go and do something!!!
Saya dah penat...penat menunggu
its hard to go through things and do it alone.........
How, now brown cow?
im loathing something,
It keeps on ringing...
It keeps on occurring,
It keeps on showing....
Its not shining,
its just damn irritating....
Im missing and wishing,
for that something,
yet i know it never aint happening....
What do i do?
Just keep on wondering,
Have got to keep on praying,
Have to go on changing....
i dont like hammering....
nor do i like stomping...
but i got to keep on drilling....
otherwise ill keep on sighing....
its so, so , so difficult...
the choices i made brings insult...
i actually just need result....
i know who just to consult.........
so here i go again....
go cracking my brain.......
im missing the rain....
and i feel the strain...
here's what i live by....
"no pain no gain".......
so let me try to gain...but i feel too much pain....
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
FLY or FLY......?
theres just too many things to do.....
im not looking back....
So dont take me of track....
im smashing the potions of the rack....
it fell down with a smack....
leaves turning dry,
i look up to the sky,
i let go a sigh,
then started to cry.....
but im not looking back,
so dont take me of track.....
though i feel all black,
i refuse to crack.....
i shall make myself high,
i will try and try.....
till i reach the sky...
soar up there and just fly................
Saturday, November 14, 2009
My Path and Past.....
I am writing this entry after solat subuh...i just felt the urge to write....
...i just need to let it out....
the path... it was bumpy, windy and memorable at the same time....
oh dear Imrans awake...i have to go.... plus i have one paper this morning at 9am...
ill finish this entry...later...promise.....
just ponder upon this for a second "most people attempt something before they give it up....but yo have already define your limits by testing them..."
i have to give it up...yet there's a part of me that shrinks into a small ball when i even think about it.....
wish you all the best...i wish myself too.... till then everyne....
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
MEN! I ove em.....
Imran….my boy… I never knew how to handle a BOY…. I love girls…. But IMRAN we….saya dan suami selalu berkata ?(ceh lupa nak tulis dalam BM)….ok…. Imran satu anugerah buat kami. Memang tak pernah dijangka, tidak dirancang tidak diduga….
Anak-anak…anugerah dan AMNAH…ramai yang lupa… amanah ini terlalu berat…. Bukan untuk diberi makan, minum dan pakaian sahaja…. Bukan diberi tugas mendidik pada guru dan ajaran feqah dan tauhid pada uztaz semata….
Siapa yang bertanggungjawab? Kenapa selalu ibu dan isteri? Memang benar….peranan ibu sangat besar… ramai yang saya lihat tungng langgang, perngai nya tak seberapa tu sebab tak rapat dgn ibu…atau ibu mereka ada masalah… TETAPI… tugas yang utama saya berikan kepada BAPA…. Bapa bertanggungjawab menjadi nakoda….”Peliharalah dirimu dan keluarga mu dari API neraka”….
Sabda Rasulullah “Dan lelaki adalah pemimpin keluarganya dan dia AKAN DISOAL mengenai kepimpinannya”..Allah tak soal kita wanita…. Hadith by Bukhari….
Bapa entah kemana….dilepas ‘beban’ mendidik pada isteri…bapa sibuk mencari rezeki…TAPI..knock2….isteri pun sama ok? …maslahnya kajian menunjukkan ramai lelaki di penjara kerana maslah membesar tanpa ayah…ramai wanita bohsia…kerana tidak rapat dengan bapa…..buat bapa yg ada anak remaja perempuan..tolonglah go on a date with them…puji anak gadis anda…. Bina hubngan supaya anak lelaki anda percayakan anda…its all about trust….dia tak percaya, budak2 ni tak akan cakap dgn kita….
Anak perlu diajar solat….macamana nak solat bila mak bapak tak solat….asyik kejar akademik semata…soalt nya tak pernah nak amik kira….soalt is CRUCIAL…tiang agama..ramai sangat orang melayu islam tak soalt sekarang ni…scary….
Orang lelaki merempit, meragut, yang di serenti lelaki….yang di university….?? Yup, 60-70% WO…MEN..wanita….Anak lelaki kini ramai yang malas dan tidak bermotivasi…bapak lepak kedai mamak…isteri jual sayur di pasar…dari dulu lagi kita dah perhati senario begini… ingat saja gambaran wanita-wanita di pasar KOTA BAHRU Kelantan…dari dulu lagi gitulah….
Bukan nak menghentam lelaki ok…I love the men in my life.. silapnya bila kita selalu kata anak lelaki “boleh jaga diri sendiri”…. Buku Cool Boys Super Sons” by Jamilah Samian adalah buku yg sangat elok untuk dibaca bagi mereka yg ada anak lelaki…sekarang dah ada dalam BM…dkt MPH ada….. pada ibu bapa yg kurang beri perhatian pada anak….sudah masanya berubah….kata Jamilah kita kena ingat ni betul-betul..
“Good behavior is NOT about obedience…its about DOING and STAYING AWAY”…. from bad things that is….
Kita jangan mengukur baik anak pada mereka yg mendengar kata..tapi jika boleh berkata Tidak pada benda yg tak baik… itulah “perangai yg elok” sebenarnya…. Kita harus benarkan anak2 menyoal dan bertanya kepada kita…jangan kata anak menjawab pula….
Semalam sempat dengar Tun Mahathir punya talk untuk Gender Series talk untuk NAM Institute for Empowermant of Women… NIEW at Mariot…Tun said the same thing…. Women..theyre acquiring more knowledge..theyre willing to face challenges..
Men..u guys just need to buckle up… I want my Imran to be “that men I adore…” ceh Natalie Imbruglia pulak…. Oh Imran….what and who will u be…. I shall wait and see…Imran Arrazi…maybe ull learn to love and know Ar-Razi and may HE indeed be your inspiration….a muslim scholar… with iman and knowledge dear…..
BTW…its Imrans 1st bday today!!!! Ummi loves you sayang….so very much!
Miror...mirror...on the .....
FAT...Mirror mirror..... THAT CANT BE ME!
yes, seperti mana wanita lain i AM obsessed with my body image....WHY? Why you ask?
Is it because i AM not confident with myself? no....not relly....i love ME....the complicated, me.....Is it because of the images in VOGUE and of Angelina Jolie despite having 3 kids looking damn good....
Is it because when youre FAT...and when your hips widen up you look horrible....susah nak cari baju...jeles dengan wanita lain yang slim??? The answers to thse questons are YES...!!! YE...BETUL...Na'am..... dengan ini saya sesungguhnya mengaku....
Now, now....IF youre comfortable with who you are and youre okay being overweight..... i salute you.... betul..its what you have to offer and who you are that matters most..BUT........
Im not....not comfortable... i have issues.... so what do you do? DIETLAH..apa lagi....persalannya kenapa diet selalu tak menjadi? Sebab kita CRASH diet...hari ni tak makan, esok makan.... Let me list the errors i see myself making....
1st - TAK CONSISTENT! Jap diet, jap tidak! Diet buang karbo...comlex carbs...yg putih2....BUANG...jangan makan! Buang chips, junk food..... and kuih muih!!!
2nd)- air tak minum! KENA minum air putih SAHAJA!!!!!! 2 botol mineral water setiap hari....untuk memudahkan pembuangan toxin DAN lemak!!! Tak leh minum kopi dan teh dan air BERGULA!
3 - TAk excersice...its 70% det 30% excersice....thats the rule! Tak leh lari.... kena excesrsice SETIAP HARI!!!! i usually excersice.... dah lama tak excersice, sebab tu yg down tu...alasan? tak de masa? CARI MASALAH!!! yes excersice is crucial for the MIND too...helps you sleeps better...bagus untuk orang-orang depressed....huhu...bukan saja badan cantik, trim, tapi sebab excercise releases endorphines..... which are chemicals produced by the neurons....communicating through the synapses.... synapses ..the synapes is the area where neourons meet..tapi dont touch each other...(wah...amazing tuh...)it just realesses chemicals..known as nerotransmitters ... okaaaayyyy..... what the??? masa sekolah tak amik bio....add maths amik....tapi result JANGN tanya, tgh belajar ya ampun!!! so endorphines ni salah satu chemical tuh la....mcm jugak serotonin.... it gives the 'feel good' factor to you....banyak lagi mcm types of neurotransmitters macam acetylcholine (antara yg femes).... dopamine.... FINE! tu yang drugs dicipta....they are made to mimic nerotransmitters so boleh membantu menambah atau mengurangkan apa yang perlu dengan 'memutar belitkan' process transmisi synaptic ni.... oh FINE!
oh yes...nak loose weight...ikhwan pun malas dengar i membebel pasal brains and neourans and the CNS nih...sian driku ini! Tak pe...tak pe..habis satu dinding i tampal...haha...
4 - Makanan sedap tak tahan!!!!!!!!!
fine! im not giving up!!!
tapi cuba tengok gambar tu.... macam masa anak dara dulu lagi chubby je.... kan...???? serious...kurus macam angelina jolie..... sebelum 1 januari 2010! So new year resolution SHALL NOT include loosing weight ok?
haha...wish me luck!!! Whoose with me....?
Monday, November 2, 2009
One day.....
The dream..... of paradise.....the meticulous details... the splendor of the spaces...the rich history....the genious of islamic architecture.... everything to represent the One.... the Illa-llah... the doctrine of tawhid... there is an intimate connection between faith and asthetics in Islam. Its the desire to give aesthtic expression to the proclamation of La ilaha-illa-llah...... How?
I studied this....and its beautiful...makes me want to cry.... for Islam is trully, wonderfully beautiful.
Islamic Architecture in form, design AND spirit is inspired by just that..... the tawhid of One.... its the embodiment of the Islamic principles and its values or thats what it should be....
The avoidence of naturalism, or charecterisation made the Muslims think ahead into more creative 'designers', builders, crastmn and of course architects......
"For every Muslim, the asthetic realm, the beautiful, is that which directs attention to is not symbolic truths of nature. Instead, the beautiful, for the Muslim, is that which stimulates the viewer or listener as intuition of, or an insight into, the nature of transendence....- the late Dr Lamya Al Faruqi-
One of the most striking features of Islamic Architecture is the focus on the enclosed space, for Islam emphases what is important is the internalization of faith not its external manifestations........The enclosed space SHOULD be the most important element....The facade should tell us just a little abut the building...but when u step inside...when penetrated and experience it from within....MasyaAllah....- the concept of this 'hidden architecture'..... should be grasped into our lives and souls as well.....
important fact there...just imagine the dome.... from a distance its nothing...just a structure but when you look at it from the you get sinks into mazes of cupolas, arabesques....calliagraphy... have you ever thought of that....just pure beauty!
its just a place i wish to step foot one day...i believe it will inspire me....i would love to share it with someone who shares the dream......
I just want ...............
Being around.........
Smiling with..........
Sipping, drinking, talking and laughing.....
Crying, Sharing, Thinking with......
Inspiration and dreams....
Share it with.........
Stay with me,
Hold my hand.....
Dream with me....
Never Land........
ps/ brighten up my me the way....
so much in me i just want to say.....under the moon... i wish to stay.... but the silence.... it doesnt make my day.... ill just continue to pray, that this feeling.... wont ever stay? Or maybe one day...... My skies will no longer be gray....:)
Yet Another......
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea when it is the only one you have.
Emile Chartier
people say i dream too much, too many ideas.... so many things i want to do...... all i have to say is LET ME DO IT..if you cant and wont support me then..... just you know, keep quiet..... dont bring me down and trample on my spirit...coz if you do, knowing me ill just get back up again.....
I fall 7 times ill just get back 8....
i know.... And to everyone reading...... heres what i have to share tonite.....
“Courage is the discovery that you may not win, and trying when you know you can lose.”
“Enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration, motivation, and a pinch of creativity.”
“Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow.”
Good Night then....
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Kit Kat...i had two bars today.....
It was horrid.... horrible.... being overwhelmed, lost, unmotivated and depressed.....
My goodness..... i hated every inch and second of it.... but i apreciate what came out of it. It MADE me think, restructure, organize and clear things....nope belum habis...banyak lagi kena buat..its still there. The to do list is very long mind you....
Oh why do i have this boundless energy and ideas in me? Its very tiring.... no its not about being ungrateful.... because i am...3 wonderful kids, a marriage that actually works, a job not everyone can get...(many can do i pessume), wonderful friends and family, enough to eat (a little more than enough), my faith still intact... i realize this....
(im actually taking a break from my assignment, penat perah otak...relax jap k)
Ok... i dont really expect you to read, but if you find my ramblings of any use...please by all means...just dont judge and criticize (wait...people do that unintentionally and automatically so go ahead, just keep it to yourself....but people like talking about other gives them pleasure and a sense of what the heck...go ahead)
Comfort? Yes the comfort zone.... get out of it! Its bad...your hips get larger.... go prickle your life with struggles and uncertaintie like me..... and get frustreated if things dont work out later....OR just stay there.... dont change...dont strugle and live a life of peace and harmony!!!
do the same thing over and over....get the same results...just dont complain. Im ambitious...just let it be..ill mellow down at 40....!
:) gtg and string words together...anyone wanna help?
i know......siapa suruh baca?
Just Take Care ok everbody...and dont be nasty nor naughty.... get it.....
My goodness..... i hated every inch and second of it.... but i apreciate what came out of it. It MADE me think, restructure, organize and clear things....nope belum habis...banyak lagi kena buat..its still there. The to do list is very long mind you....
Oh why do i have this boundless energy and ideas in me? Its very tiring.... no its not about being ungrateful.... because i am...3 wonderful kids, a marriage that actually works, a job not everyone can get...(many can do i pessume), wonderful friends and family, enough to eat (a little more than enough), my faith still intact... i realize this....
(im actually taking a break from my assignment, penat perah otak...relax jap k)
Ok... i dont really expect you to read, but if you find my ramblings of any use...please by all means...just dont judge and criticize (wait...people do that unintentionally and automatically so go ahead, just keep it to yourself....but people like talking about other gives them pleasure and a sense of what the heck...go ahead)
Comfort? Yes the comfort zone.... get out of it! Its bad...your hips get larger.... go prickle your life with struggles and uncertaintie like me..... and get frustreated if things dont work out later....OR just stay there.... dont change...dont strugle and live a life of peace and harmony!!!
do the same thing over and over....get the same results...just dont complain. Im ambitious...just let it be..ill mellow down at 40....!
:) gtg and string words together...anyone wanna help?
i know......siapa suruh baca?
Just Take Care ok everbody...and dont be nasty nor naughty.... get it.....
Thursday, October 15, 2009
I somehow find peace and think well while driving.... my mind wanders off, in out and about ... traffic jams better.... coz then i think about so many things... thats how hectic life is in KL....masa nak contemplate pun tak ada. Wait, thats because i have 3 i think well when driving ALONE....terlupa nak selit pulak...Theres no time to sit and reflect sebab dari subuh ke isyak adaaaa jee benda nak buat...... jadi bila memandu, itulah masanya segala apa yang hendak dan patut dibuat terpancar dan menyala-nyala....dengan laju.... mind laju.....tapi hari tu....blank...i went blank on air!!! i was like a zombie....that was the effect of stress mind you...(my fren kata, DIna even OPrah has her bad days...) thanks...a lot for trying...but.....oprah does have a good team...a really good team to cover her up...
so, my mind jumps from one thing to another with a snap of a finger.... you know some people are soo organized....semua benda kena tulis.... well technically, phsysicaly yes...the house, the cupboards....but my life? the to do list...and everythings all over...and then i add things to my plate.... my friend said..."thats the problem with you dont know what you want".....dari dulu lagi...
Well, we dont HAVE to know what we want kan? jap....jump back to all over...its like bilik professor yang bersepah dan berterabur....JANGAN bersihkan...walaupun berterabur i know where everything is.... if i ever try to be that composed little lady....its not me...when its not me....its dead boring.....
but yes a little cleaning up wuld do good...haha there i go again.... ok to something that has been in mind among others....
Of Iraq and Afganistan and how stupid and helpless we are.... i have always been following the world news, maybe.... to a certain degree Abi influnced this fascination with 'other people and other matters in other countries that has nothing to do with you at all' ... i hate the thought that we are sometime to cooped up in our own litle world, hung up with our own litle views ... masa kecik2 dulu....pagi-pagi when we rush opur parents room, the litle grey radio will blast with BBC news....dulu tak ada Astro... so yes our parents habits do to a certain degree effect us..... and then theres that other habit that i just wont share..... i hear you mas....just shut the door!
Ok.....tadi ternampak dekat berita macamana Obama dok justify perang kat Afgan....kununnya sebab....US memang kena proceed with this war supaya mereka tak akan 'terkena' lagi serangan seperti 9/1...
Haloooooo......knock kncok...whos there...obama? obama who? ru menag nobel prize tapi hantar lagi tentera kat obama sir with all due respect....serangan 9/11 telah dirancang di German dan Spain.....dan dilakukan oleh oarng dari Saudi.... berpusat di US sebab marah dengan dasar US yang dok mengipas Israel....
Taliban tak tahu menahu...yang dok bagi duit kat Taliban bukan Us ke......
I have to tke a break....coz my baby is crying and the bigger baby is leaving for Jakarta....let me pack his bags.....
Till then...
WSF 268
think thats a nice number people??? mind laju.....tapi hari tu....blank...i went blank on air!!! i was like a zombie....that was the effect of stress mind you...(my fren kata, DIna even OPrah has her bad days...) thanks...a lot for trying...but.....oprah does have a good team...a really good team to cover her up...
so, my mind jumps from one thing to another with a snap of a finger.... you know some people are soo organized....semua benda kena tulis.... well technically, phsysicaly yes...the house, the cupboards....but my life? the to do list...and everythings all over...and then i add things to my plate.... my friend said..."thats the problem with you dont know what you want".....dari dulu lagi...
Well, we dont HAVE to know what we want kan? jap....jump back to all over...its like bilik professor yang bersepah dan berterabur....JANGAN bersihkan...walaupun berterabur i know where everything is.... if i ever try to be that composed little lady....its not me...when its not me....its dead boring.....
but yes a little cleaning up wuld do good...haha there i go again.... ok to something that has been in mind among others....
Of Iraq and Afganistan and how stupid and helpless we are.... i have always been following the world news, maybe.... to a certain degree Abi influnced this fascination with 'other people and other matters in other countries that has nothing to do with you at all' ... i hate the thought that we are sometime to cooped up in our own litle world, hung up with our own litle views ... masa kecik2 dulu....pagi-pagi when we rush opur parents room, the litle grey radio will blast with BBC news....dulu tak ada Astro... so yes our parents habits do to a certain degree effect us..... and then theres that other habit that i just wont share..... i hear you mas....just shut the door!
Ok.....tadi ternampak dekat berita macamana Obama dok justify perang kat Afgan....kununnya sebab....US memang kena proceed with this war supaya mereka tak akan 'terkena' lagi serangan seperti 9/1...
Haloooooo......knock kncok...whos there...obama? obama who? ru menag nobel prize tapi hantar lagi tentera kat obama sir with all due respect....serangan 9/11 telah dirancang di German dan Spain.....dan dilakukan oleh oarng dari Saudi.... berpusat di US sebab marah dengan dasar US yang dok mengipas Israel....
Taliban tak tahu menahu...yang dok bagi duit kat Taliban bukan Us ke......
I have to tke a break....coz my baby is crying and the bigger baby is leaving for Jakarta....let me pack his bags.....
Till then...
WSF 268
think thats a nice number people???
Monday, October 12, 2009
Steal the heart......Safe guard It.....
Some people make their goals the stars,
They may live and die never reaching them,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination,
because they put them in their sights.
I might never reach my star.... i might never feel its qualities and properties in this palm of mind....i can only imagine...the brightness....the glow, the heat.... but i can see it.... and its guiding me... and at times it is dark.... but that shiny sparkle from the star i see..... from people around me keeps me going...... ok.... im doing that again..... rambling to nowhere.... thats just me.. and i love that in makes me ...ME.....
lets take a look at this quote below.....
The only lasting beauty is the beauty of the heart
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
I deliberately opened up Purification of Heart again.... Its a book i keep at my study table so i can easily reach it, when i feel the heart needs to be purified again.....when i need my heart to be sound again.....
If the heart is sound our actions will be sound....we need to work on our hearts...society needs to work to mend hearts which are filled with diseases.... like other disesases it is treatable...but first we have to recognize the signs and symptoms.... and then we need to treat it...
Says Hamza Yusoff...but just like medicinal prescriptions, the physician cant force you to take one can force u to swallow it down....
"The heart is designed to be in a state of calm.....which is achieve with the remembrance of God. This calm is what the heart seeks out and gravitates to. The heart yearns for it...."
"BUt when God is not remembered, when human beings forget God, then the heart falls into a state of agitation and turmoil. In this state it becomes vulnerable to diseases because it is undernourished and cut off. Cell requires oxygen, so we breathe. If we stop breathing we die. THe heart also needs to breathe, and the breath of the heart is none other then the remembrance of God"
A sick heart needs nourishment.....Heedlessness starves the heart, robs it of its spiritual manna. WHen people are completely immerse in the material world, believing that this world is all that matters and all that exists and that they are NOT accountable for their actions, they effect a spiritual death of their hearts"
Wrongdoings irritates the heart....i feel that...and whenever i do i jump up again..... i just pray for the strength..and no one can give it to me except for Allah.
The heart is so incredible.... it beats 100000 times a pumps 2 gallons of blood per minute and over 100 gallons per hour....that IS an exhausting task...... the heart does this even before the brain is formed.....the heart was created first.....
Listen to your heart and not your ego. Your ego prompts you to boast of vain assertions to obtain the glory of this world. Turn away from vanity and seek Him in the recesses of your heart and soul
[Fayuz E Yazdani]
Lately ive been questioning why things happen the way they did...why me i ask.... at a point of time i actually feel i dont deserve it..... but this attitude is a denial of God's qadar....but should we be happy when bad things befalls us?
God knows whats best for you.We cant choose what befalls us yes.....some are inevitable true.....The prophet went through worse....he never met his parents, hes beloved wife did most of his children..... he was called a madman, a liar, people threw stones at him until he bled...whats that compared to our life? That should always put us back on track again.
..... the response is patience...a beautiful patience, a skill i have yet to master....
God is testing me....., but it is His will and there is wisdom in it.....
Its not that bad i say.........i can still smile and play.....
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Warning...this entry does not make sense...:)
Its tough...... yes it is.....its life.....
Some get it easy...... some dont...some wants it easy......some just complicate theirs....some keep it simple....some just dont care...some throw theirs down the drain...some...some just let it be...just let days pass......wasting it away..... like old dry leaves.... wrinkled creased, crisp and craggy.....
Theres decisions and then theres actions ....
Theres implications and then theres causation....
Theres things you just want to do...but never get to do.....
And then theres things you dont want to do but .....just do...coz err....u have too??
its not about wanting...its about doing what needs to be done.....
i dont make sense do i.... nevermind...i rarely do..... tu yang mengacara macam budak sekolah tu....
Ada tak orang baca artikel dalam utusan hari tu?
now,now...yes im not the best.... i make mistakes..... i have my moods...sometimes theres so much problems that although i try to hide it on air..nampak jugak kecelaruan tu....
I try though... tapi komen2 yang clearly sebab dengki dan iri hati tak patut disiarkan.... i would think if im a datin or married to someone yang kaya raya, ada pangkat....mesti tak keluar surat mcm tu...
Manusia.....lagi2 kat Malaysia (sebab kat Aussie, serious tak ada penyakit gila gelaran dan harta serta kereta macam ni) if you dont have the money, you dont have the contacts (i rarely send hampers to reporters and meet them nowdays, in fact i never do...theres the problem maybe.....) then they think they can trample on you..... except those who actualy know me, sat down with me.... but i dont have the luxury......
i would and will try to improve...but dont bring me down sebab sakit hati...dengki atau iri hati.. read hamza yusofs purification of the heart.....! WOuld do u, me and all of us some good....... im reading it again now! But wait..... i have my thick textbooks to read...! arghhh so little many things to do.... time management..........any experts out there? coz im seriously desperately need to regulate my time.....
anyway, anyhow.....a scholar once said...dont run away and shun your enemies...for its them who will tell you the truth..... so listen to them.... and i should and shall do just that...thank you....
Yes the world is round.......round...rolling..... so is life.....
the pins knocked by the heavy rolling ball.....
If yours go into the drain..... try again.....
Some get it easy...... some dont...some wants it easy......some just complicate theirs....some keep it simple....some just dont care...some throw theirs down the drain...some...some just let it be...just let days pass......wasting it away..... like old dry leaves.... wrinkled creased, crisp and craggy.....
Theres decisions and then theres actions ....
Theres implications and then theres causation....
Theres things you just want to do...but never get to do.....
And then theres things you dont want to do but .....just do...coz err....u have too??
its not about wanting...its about doing what needs to be done.....
i dont make sense do i.... nevermind...i rarely do..... tu yang mengacara macam budak sekolah tu....
Ada tak orang baca artikel dalam utusan hari tu?
now,now...yes im not the best.... i make mistakes..... i have my moods...sometimes theres so much problems that although i try to hide it on air..nampak jugak kecelaruan tu....
I try though... tapi komen2 yang clearly sebab dengki dan iri hati tak patut disiarkan.... i would think if im a datin or married to someone yang kaya raya, ada pangkat....mesti tak keluar surat mcm tu...
Manusia.....lagi2 kat Malaysia (sebab kat Aussie, serious tak ada penyakit gila gelaran dan harta serta kereta macam ni) if you dont have the money, you dont have the contacts (i rarely send hampers to reporters and meet them nowdays, in fact i never do...theres the problem maybe.....) then they think they can trample on you..... except those who actualy know me, sat down with me.... but i dont have the luxury......
i would and will try to improve...but dont bring me down sebab sakit hati...dengki atau iri hati.. read hamza yusofs purification of the heart.....! WOuld do u, me and all of us some good....... im reading it again now! But wait..... i have my thick textbooks to read...! arghhh so little many things to do.... time management..........any experts out there? coz im seriously desperately need to regulate my time.....
anyway, anyhow.....a scholar once said...dont run away and shun your enemies...for its them who will tell you the truth..... so listen to them.... and i should and shall do just that...thank you....
Yes the world is round.......round...rolling..... so is life.....
the pins knocked by the heavy rolling ball.....
If yours go into the drain..... try again.....
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Di Bawah Sini, Di Aussie
Im having a holiday....well technically coz im Over the Sea.... but it isnt really a hoidaly..."holiday" coz definition of a holiday to me is where 'a person and someone'...relaxes....have fun.... its calm, peacfull and tranquill...then we take pictures, look at buildings... stays in a Im changing diapers....feeding kids, cooking, doing the laundry, screaming, crying, merajuking, very-very tiring... strain...hectic......
I didnt remember feeling this stressed out last trip down under...oh yeah coz i had only 2!!! Kids i ean......and 7 kids in a the plane? Cuba bayangkan....8 jam dalam flight.....nasib badan lah yg dok kiri kanan kita....the "Mat Sall" next to us...actually yelled "STOP IT" to Imran....! Can you believe it..... And Imran wasnt even crying! He was trying to talk with his cute baby talk!!!! Mana la budak tu nak paham?.....ada ke suruh baby diam? Mat Salleh wahai Mat Salleh, macam lah dunia ni hak dia dan budak2 tak ada hak..... Oppps ...yg half Mat Salleh macam saya? Ok lagi kot..... huhu
Anyway, aside from the daily domestic hectic scedulle and duties....nasib baik Clean-freak Mas everyone takes turns to wash endless dishes.....coz hey in Aussie no maid ok..... my husband...mas's husband, kak ah, abang....i mean semua kena chip in..... It was a good one gathering with family.... eating cookies ditching my diet! gaining weight.... cuma travelling with Imran is extremely dificult, kesian dia penat.... tak cukup tidur....
I think next trip wherever that maybe.... kena tunggu budak2 besar sikit..... saya teringin nak berjalan menggembara sorang diri serata benua..... boleh tak? err....yes ajak husband sekali....(takut dia baca entry ni)...:) ....balik ni saya kena diet balik...gym menanti, TV..... dan kehidupan perlu diteruskan...i just love Queensland as im writting in the garage turned into a play area.... the wind blowing.....cold, dry and so relaxing...everythings so laid back here.... wishing...just wishing for so many hings...but wishing without trying is wishing in vain.... so lets wish and try our best to "let-the-thing-you-wish" for come true......
god! some people are so lucky to be born wth a silver spoon..... i dont want to go back...yet my life is there, in Malaysia now...but can run away or not?
Pagi esok jam 3 am akan bertolak dari Mt Daguler Crest, Allgester ke Gold Coast untuk balik ke KL....... Welkome home i whisper to good to me please.....
I didnt remember feeling this stressed out last trip down under...oh yeah coz i had only 2!!! Kids i ean......and 7 kids in a the plane? Cuba bayangkan....8 jam dalam flight.....nasib badan lah yg dok kiri kanan kita....the "Mat Sall" next to us...actually yelled "STOP IT" to Imran....! Can you believe it..... And Imran wasnt even crying! He was trying to talk with his cute baby talk!!!! Mana la budak tu nak paham?.....ada ke suruh baby diam? Mat Salleh wahai Mat Salleh, macam lah dunia ni hak dia dan budak2 tak ada hak..... Oppps ...yg half Mat Salleh macam saya? Ok lagi kot..... huhu
Anyway, aside from the daily domestic hectic scedulle and duties....nasib baik Clean-freak Mas everyone takes turns to wash endless dishes.....coz hey in Aussie no maid ok..... my husband...mas's husband, kak ah, abang....i mean semua kena chip in..... It was a good one gathering with family.... eating cookies ditching my diet! gaining weight.... cuma travelling with Imran is extremely dificult, kesian dia penat.... tak cukup tidur....
I think next trip wherever that maybe.... kena tunggu budak2 besar sikit..... saya teringin nak berjalan menggembara sorang diri serata benua..... boleh tak? err....yes ajak husband sekali....(takut dia baca entry ni)...:) ....balik ni saya kena diet balik...gym menanti, TV..... dan kehidupan perlu diteruskan...i just love Queensland as im writting in the garage turned into a play area.... the wind blowing.....cold, dry and so relaxing...everythings so laid back here.... wishing...just wishing for so many hings...but wishing without trying is wishing in vain.... so lets wish and try our best to "let-the-thing-you-wish" for come true......
god! some people are so lucky to be born wth a silver spoon..... i dont want to go back...yet my life is there, in Malaysia now...but can run away or not?
Pagi esok jam 3 am akan bertolak dari Mt Daguler Crest, Allgester ke Gold Coast untuk balik ke KL....... Welkome home i whisper to good to me please.....
Monday, August 17, 2009
Ive always admired Dr Asri Zainul Abidin.... he's words, his thoughts, his opinions on matters, on religion, in politics, in life and just the way he views and put words together...
Thank you for being 'you' Dr...we need more people like you around... i wish to be if not equal (err i dont think ever for now....) well, .at least somewhat of a bit of a person you are..... like maybe sikit sangat2 je pun jadi........ plan and plan and read and learn and yearn.....
Ok...ok..enough...tapi artikel Dr Asri pada 16 Ogod di Utusan Malaysia beanr-benar memberi saya inspirasi..... kenapa? kerana ianya begitu jujur sekali..... bukanlah sebelum ini ia tak jujur, kadangkala techniqal sangat so sometimes ill skip the para......and go right to the conclusion....this article, adalah mengenai pandangan Dr mengenai hidup yang kita SEMUA boleh jadikan iktibar dan renung-renungkan..... It made me stop and ponder... yeah i do that often and do that all the time.....
Dr berada di Lampeter ketika menulis artikel itu...samalah Dr, saya juga cuma dapat berdoa supaya satu hari dapatlah saya menjejakkan kaki dan belajar serta mengembara ke sana suatu hari nanti.....Dr sudah termakbul dua'nya....saya? Mana tau....siapa tahu.....well, not to Lampeter per say...but just study, live and learn in the has always been a dream... for when we explore the world...we learn to adapt and change our world views and we open up our minds and we strive to understand things or people or 'other-different ways' of doing things...of seeing things....of 'experiencing' the moment and 'feel' and touch..... its just the people i want to meet, the great minds i would like to talk with and exchange ideas with...i want to see what they do, HOW they do it......
"Hari berganti, manusia berubah kedudukan, keadaan dan berbagai lagi. Allah mengubah iklim dan warnai hidup kita dengan berbagai cara. Kesemua itu menerusui dalam perjalanan kehidupan dunia. Maka kita pun sedar, kita adalah kembara yang merentasi benua kehidupan untuk sampai ke satu perhentian yang bernama 'kematian'"
"Hidup ini bagaikan lautan yang luas. Kita hanyalah perahu kecil yang sedang menongkah gelombang. Lihatlah betapa ramai yang 'gah' dengan kedudukan dan jawatan mereka semalam, hari ini tiada lagi kemegahan itu. Siapa yang dapat memastikan hari esok membawa bahagia kepadanya? Sebagai muslim, untuk merentasi benua kehidupan ini, tiada lain yang dapat kita bertaut meainkan at-tawakkal 'ala Allah ata bergantung harapan pada Allah. JIwa apabila benar-benar bergantung harapan kepada Allah, keajaiban hidup akan berlaku tanpa diduga" nak menagis baca okay...???
i loved this quote Dr Asri made from Abu Firas al-'Amiri a poet known as Majd al-'Arab ;-
"Berpisahlah nescaya kaudapat ganti orang yang kau tinggalkan. Menggembaralah di bumi nescaya temui petunjuk dalam perjalanan itu. Singa jika tidak meninggalakan hutannya tidak akan garang. Anak panah jika tidak meninggalkan busarnya tidak akan mengena sasaran" - Man, how do people know which book to read......beautiful ey? Arghhhh... nothing is more beautiful than a written word...
People change when they travel.., it will leave a mark, a memory, we learn a thing or two...or some may learn none maybe......if they're intention to travel is only to have FUN and shallow some are...but hey, we come in different packages, we all say......
Imam al-Syafie changed many of his fatwa's when visiting Iraq..also when he saw new things in Eygpt...
We need to change for its vital for our survival..yes indeed..change its not ever easy and can be really scary....but its a necesity... however having said that, we never ever 'change' our Islamic just grows and we develop further understandings and appreciate different interpretations by different people....
"Hidup adalah kembara. Semua kita pasti akan sampai ke satu destinasi yang bernama kematian. Cumanya dalam kembara di benua yang luas ini, setiap kita melalui denai, lurah, lorong, lembah, jalan dan dataran yang tak mungkin sama. Namun perhentiannya satu, kita akan Menghadap Tuhan yang Maha Adil. Perjalanan pasti akan berakhir. Cuma yang kita rungsingkan adalah bagaimana ianya akan berakhir. - my god, i question that constantly...about almost everything..but this next sentence...... made it crystal bohemian glass clear.... - "namun tiada yang lebih indah daripada perasaan bergantung harap kepada Allah. Benua kehidupan terlalu luas dan menakutkan. Banyak kejahatan dan juga kebaikan. Moga Allah selamatkan kita sema dalam meneruskan kembara hidup."
Lovely Dr....thanks!
Nite! i soooo need to finish my novel and book...and mummy diary..... arghhhhhh! Endless responsibilities....
but as long as we remain calm, serene, collected and focused, we will see how easy it is to get through....i have to repeat this like every day when i start to fluster and get kelam kabut....
its just that - sometimes were the statue and sometimes were the pigeon indeed...i would prefer to be a gull though...wait maybe a dove...urgh..... :))
Thank you for being 'you' Dr...we need more people like you around... i wish to be if not equal (err i dont think ever for now....) well, .at least somewhat of a bit of a person you are..... like maybe sikit sangat2 je pun jadi........ plan and plan and read and learn and yearn.....
Ok...ok..enough...tapi artikel Dr Asri pada 16 Ogod di Utusan Malaysia beanr-benar memberi saya inspirasi..... kenapa? kerana ianya begitu jujur sekali..... bukanlah sebelum ini ia tak jujur, kadangkala techniqal sangat so sometimes ill skip the para......and go right to the conclusion....this article, adalah mengenai pandangan Dr mengenai hidup yang kita SEMUA boleh jadikan iktibar dan renung-renungkan..... It made me stop and ponder... yeah i do that often and do that all the time.....
Dr berada di Lampeter ketika menulis artikel itu...samalah Dr, saya juga cuma dapat berdoa supaya satu hari dapatlah saya menjejakkan kaki dan belajar serta mengembara ke sana suatu hari nanti.....Dr sudah termakbul dua'nya....saya? Mana tau....siapa tahu.....well, not to Lampeter per say...but just study, live and learn in the has always been a dream... for when we explore the world...we learn to adapt and change our world views and we open up our minds and we strive to understand things or people or 'other-different ways' of doing things...of seeing things....of 'experiencing' the moment and 'feel' and touch..... its just the people i want to meet, the great minds i would like to talk with and exchange ideas with...i want to see what they do, HOW they do it......
"Hari berganti, manusia berubah kedudukan, keadaan dan berbagai lagi. Allah mengubah iklim dan warnai hidup kita dengan berbagai cara. Kesemua itu menerusui dalam perjalanan kehidupan dunia. Maka kita pun sedar, kita adalah kembara yang merentasi benua kehidupan untuk sampai ke satu perhentian yang bernama 'kematian'"
"Hidup ini bagaikan lautan yang luas. Kita hanyalah perahu kecil yang sedang menongkah gelombang. Lihatlah betapa ramai yang 'gah' dengan kedudukan dan jawatan mereka semalam, hari ini tiada lagi kemegahan itu. Siapa yang dapat memastikan hari esok membawa bahagia kepadanya? Sebagai muslim, untuk merentasi benua kehidupan ini, tiada lain yang dapat kita bertaut meainkan at-tawakkal 'ala Allah ata bergantung harapan pada Allah. JIwa apabila benar-benar bergantung harapan kepada Allah, keajaiban hidup akan berlaku tanpa diduga" nak menagis baca okay...???
i loved this quote Dr Asri made from Abu Firas al-'Amiri a poet known as Majd al-'Arab ;-
"Berpisahlah nescaya kaudapat ganti orang yang kau tinggalkan. Menggembaralah di bumi nescaya temui petunjuk dalam perjalanan itu. Singa jika tidak meninggalakan hutannya tidak akan garang. Anak panah jika tidak meninggalkan busarnya tidak akan mengena sasaran" - Man, how do people know which book to read......beautiful ey? Arghhhh... nothing is more beautiful than a written word...
People change when they travel.., it will leave a mark, a memory, we learn a thing or two...or some may learn none maybe......if they're intention to travel is only to have FUN and shallow some are...but hey, we come in different packages, we all say......
Imam al-Syafie changed many of his fatwa's when visiting Iraq..also when he saw new things in Eygpt...
We need to change for its vital for our survival..yes indeed..change its not ever easy and can be really scary....but its a necesity... however having said that, we never ever 'change' our Islamic just grows and we develop further understandings and appreciate different interpretations by different people....
"Hidup adalah kembara. Semua kita pasti akan sampai ke satu destinasi yang bernama kematian. Cumanya dalam kembara di benua yang luas ini, setiap kita melalui denai, lurah, lorong, lembah, jalan dan dataran yang tak mungkin sama. Namun perhentiannya satu, kita akan Menghadap Tuhan yang Maha Adil. Perjalanan pasti akan berakhir. Cuma yang kita rungsingkan adalah bagaimana ianya akan berakhir. - my god, i question that constantly...about almost everything..but this next sentence...... made it crystal bohemian glass clear.... - "namun tiada yang lebih indah daripada perasaan bergantung harap kepada Allah. Benua kehidupan terlalu luas dan menakutkan. Banyak kejahatan dan juga kebaikan. Moga Allah selamatkan kita sema dalam meneruskan kembara hidup."
Lovely Dr....thanks!
Nite! i soooo need to finish my novel and book...and mummy diary..... arghhhhhh! Endless responsibilities....
but as long as we remain calm, serene, collected and focused, we will see how easy it is to get through....i have to repeat this like every day when i start to fluster and get kelam kabut....
its just that - sometimes were the statue and sometimes were the pigeon indeed...i would prefer to be a gull though...wait maybe a dove...urgh..... :))
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Frankly....its Franky and its Creepy.....
Mary Shelly's Frankestein....
I dont know why tapi saya teringat sangat dekat Frankenstein..... one of the most famous horror stories of all time...... an epic love story, a study of human relationships, ambition and pride the story also deals with science and was set in the 1700's - the age of enlightenment and reason...... go figure...brilliant this Mary Shelly seorang Romantis.... i likeeee.....
full of parallel, contrast and ironies...gosh sounds seriously like my life...maybe yours too....
Victor was a sad case.... we cant play god.... we shouldn't play with fire.....never ever....never that song by i dont know who is humming in my mind....never ever.....STOP!!! urgh....the irony of the story is that it all started with love but turned out the utmost opposite....
Frankenstein....the movie directed by Kenneth Branagh portrays real life.....yes it does....cuba tgk illustrates the both good and evil qualities in life. It showed the cost of running away from your responsibilities and how it took only one man to create a monster.
Franky was initially not a threat at all....he started out as kind and wanted to understand his surroundings....he longed for friends after learning of love, compasion and acceptance from a distance.... he was fond of the family he spied on....very much indeed..... he hoped the 'family' would appreciate the good things he did for them......
then...ta da....maybe big mistake he made (tapi sampai bilakah seseorang itu harus bersembunyi bukan) - he made his apperane presence - but alas!!! only the blind old man accepted him...the others? they were disgusted by the sight of this Franky 'creature' assuming the initially kind Franky was there to harm them.....
Oh dear...oh my.....physical appearance means so much more than mental capacity...physical appearance means so much more than what someone has inside them to potentially give...... and what struck me was that we all...all of us have a little bit of this ugly character inside of us.....
Tragedy by tragedy confronts him, but his creator was no where in sight to take responsibility... hes creator betrayed him.....Franky wanted revenge......he ran away and opted for the easy way out...just shoot Franky he could you could you shoot something you yourself created....
It wasnt his fault Franky acted like Victor...youre suppose to be the smart one....but initially he lost to a 'monster' he didnt even finish off..... in this case my dear readers...(err ada ke readers?) being 'intelligent' only brought misery......
we all need love......but love alone is never enough, for what is love??? SOmeone once said, okay not someone but a quote or proverb or something like that...." Love is when you lust for whats inside and Lust is when you love what you see".... oh dearie!
We need love, yes we do....but discipline and guidance...being balanced...will make sure we dont turn into a selfish, self centered immature man like Victor Frankenstein ****thunder and lighting bolt strikes*******
Never start something if you know you cant uphold your responsibility to could and many people do...until its too late....well...perhaps we can all learn.... just continue to learn......
Terima Kasih dan Selamat Malam!
AAAAAAAHHHH bestnya dapat menulis.....
I dont know why tapi saya teringat sangat dekat Frankenstein..... one of the most famous horror stories of all time...... an epic love story, a study of human relationships, ambition and pride the story also deals with science and was set in the 1700's - the age of enlightenment and reason...... go figure...brilliant this Mary Shelly seorang Romantis.... i likeeee.....
full of parallel, contrast and ironies...gosh sounds seriously like my life...maybe yours too....
Victor was a sad case.... we cant play god.... we shouldn't play with fire.....never ever....never that song by i dont know who is humming in my mind....never ever.....STOP!!! urgh....the irony of the story is that it all started with love but turned out the utmost opposite....
Frankenstein....the movie directed by Kenneth Branagh portrays real life.....yes it does....cuba tgk illustrates the both good and evil qualities in life. It showed the cost of running away from your responsibilities and how it took only one man to create a monster.
Franky was initially not a threat at all....he started out as kind and wanted to understand his surroundings....he longed for friends after learning of love, compasion and acceptance from a distance.... he was fond of the family he spied on....very much indeed..... he hoped the 'family' would appreciate the good things he did for them......
then...ta da....maybe big mistake he made (tapi sampai bilakah seseorang itu harus bersembunyi bukan) - he made his apperane presence - but alas!!! only the blind old man accepted him...the others? they were disgusted by the sight of this Franky 'creature' assuming the initially kind Franky was there to harm them.....
Oh dear...oh my.....physical appearance means so much more than mental capacity...physical appearance means so much more than what someone has inside them to potentially give...... and what struck me was that we all...all of us have a little bit of this ugly character inside of us.....
Tragedy by tragedy confronts him, but his creator was no where in sight to take responsibility... hes creator betrayed him.....Franky wanted revenge......he ran away and opted for the easy way out...just shoot Franky he could you could you shoot something you yourself created....
It wasnt his fault Franky acted like Victor...youre suppose to be the smart one....but initially he lost to a 'monster' he didnt even finish off..... in this case my dear readers...(err ada ke readers?) being 'intelligent' only brought misery......
we all need love......but love alone is never enough, for what is love??? SOmeone once said, okay not someone but a quote or proverb or something like that...." Love is when you lust for whats inside and Lust is when you love what you see".... oh dearie!
We need love, yes we do....but discipline and guidance...being balanced...will make sure we dont turn into a selfish, self centered immature man like Victor Frankenstein ****thunder and lighting bolt strikes*******
Never start something if you know you cant uphold your responsibility to could and many people do...until its too late....well...perhaps we can all learn.... just continue to learn......
Terima Kasih dan Selamat Malam!
AAAAAAAHHHH bestnya dapat menulis.....
Monday, August 10, 2009
live and love...please....
what do you do...what do you do......
thank you...i say just thank you.......
no matter what or how you are living can always excel and change things...make things better...
live life or love life...... do whatever u can within your means to live and love life..... with the most important people in your life...your family.......
thank you...i say just thank you.......
no matter what or how you are living can always excel and change things...make things better...
live life or love life...... do whatever u can within your means to live and love life..... with the most important people in your life...your family.......
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Reading........The best book that soothes my wondrous, on-the-go (as someone once put it) soul has to be reading the QUran.... its an exquisite book really.... magnificent poetry inter-winded with beautiful magical storytelling that touches you deep down.......amazing.... unexplainable....
Tonight was surah at taubah- literay means repent.... A chapter on Repent....How If someone does not keep to their word and promise, then we should always fight back... for a promise should always be honored.....Always.......but if they repent, if they then realize what they did was wrong.... forgive them, for God Forgives and accepts those who repents their wrongdoings....
We should also always give "time" for people 'to think' about something.... such in the case when the 'enemies' went against their word in Makkah....they too were given 3 months to think and make a choice.....just goes to show...never ever make a decisions hastily.... and always allow a little time for humans to get into gear...and drive their thoughts with reasoning to their intended destination.....
Im giving myself "time"..... to ease, to think, to see what will happen..... it hurts...but it shall be a part of me and life i shall cherish...berani buat berani tanggung......
I felt so calm after.....which is right now...... Im gonna do more reading..trying to make sense of Friendmans the World is Flat..... though economy and free market capatilsm isnt really my cuppa of little black beans..... but if its gonna effect me.....might as well........ decaf yes...without sugar too! Nite...
:) Aaaaaahhhhh books...what shall art thou without???
Tonight was surah at taubah- literay means repent.... A chapter on Repent....How If someone does not keep to their word and promise, then we should always fight back... for a promise should always be honored.....Always.......but if they repent, if they then realize what they did was wrong.... forgive them, for God Forgives and accepts those who repents their wrongdoings....
We should also always give "time" for people 'to think' about something.... such in the case when the 'enemies' went against their word in Makkah....they too were given 3 months to think and make a choice.....just goes to show...never ever make a decisions hastily.... and always allow a little time for humans to get into gear...and drive their thoughts with reasoning to their intended destination.....
Im giving myself "time"..... to ease, to think, to see what will happen..... it hurts...but it shall be a part of me and life i shall cherish...berani buat berani tanggung......
I felt so calm after.....which is right now...... Im gonna do more reading..trying to make sense of Friendmans the World is Flat..... though economy and free market capatilsm isnt really my cuppa of little black beans..... but if its gonna effect me.....might as well........ decaf yes...without sugar too! Nite...
:) Aaaaaahhhhh books...what shall art thou without???
Oh what a Malaysia im living in..... street protests....tear gasses...YB's dying...bullshitting by politicians... fake nonsense here and there....
Education, helathcare a huge issue i wish and i care...a population of the old not being cared for...the menatally ill, the poor, the single moms, the whore, the addicts......... oh what a Malaysia im living in....
Too much bickering, too much talking.... people dying and no one wants to take the blame....shame...shame...shame!!!!! Oh wait, toooooo much corruption.....toooooo if we dont know.....hulur sana...hulur sini...baru boleh jalan, baru boleh makes you wonder it makes you think....
You give sweets and worthless candy treats.... when the cake you cut and eat it piece by piece.... The cake...the cake.....well, its only for friends and family..... so tag along...behind my tail coz im behaving like a monkey!
Frustrated i mite be..frustrated as you can see me..... i still believe in goodness...i still believe we can make a diffrence merely by our actions and sincere intentions.....
Not all are bad, but what makes me sad? Makes me sad...and drives me mad...... the potential to be the care for the rest.... wasted...wasted....wasted..... coz people dont use theyre brains to think no more....!!!!
This blog is here coz my thoughts need to be clear..... i WANT to think...i want to share coz at least i care....about whats going on inside there... inside where? Everywhere especially...up there.... up here....
Anyhow.....What a LIFE im leading..... just like the Malaysia...i too have issues and troubles that needs to be sorted ot....coz like Malysia the potential i see in myself....its the best i can be, hey it aint easy..... tapi kata, 1Malaysia...... jadi saya pun nak ikutlah!!! huhu
Rite i end this saying.....perceptions are crucial.... and perceptions need to be managed.....
The end.....
Education, helathcare a huge issue i wish and i care...a population of the old not being cared for...the menatally ill, the poor, the single moms, the whore, the addicts......... oh what a Malaysia im living in....
Too much bickering, too much talking.... people dying and no one wants to take the blame....shame...shame...shame!!!!! Oh wait, toooooo much corruption.....toooooo if we dont know.....hulur sana...hulur sini...baru boleh jalan, baru boleh makes you wonder it makes you think....
You give sweets and worthless candy treats.... when the cake you cut and eat it piece by piece.... The cake...the cake.....well, its only for friends and family..... so tag along...behind my tail coz im behaving like a monkey!
Frustrated i mite be..frustrated as you can see me..... i still believe in goodness...i still believe we can make a diffrence merely by our actions and sincere intentions.....
Not all are bad, but what makes me sad? Makes me sad...and drives me mad...... the potential to be the care for the rest.... wasted...wasted....wasted..... coz people dont use theyre brains to think no more....!!!!
This blog is here coz my thoughts need to be clear..... i WANT to think...i want to share coz at least i care....about whats going on inside there... inside where? Everywhere especially...up there.... up here....
Anyhow.....What a LIFE im leading..... just like the Malaysia...i too have issues and troubles that needs to be sorted ot....coz like Malysia the potential i see in myself....its the best i can be, hey it aint easy..... tapi kata, 1Malaysia...... jadi saya pun nak ikutlah!!! huhu
Rite i end this saying.....perceptions are crucial.... and perceptions need to be managed.....
The end.....
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Its ME
I feel lonely,
I feel empty,
Yet i have everything going on for me, me that will make things happen for myself and my family.....
I am ridiculous to think that someone else will be able to fill my emptiness....
someone else i dont even know....someone else that wouldnt even care....
Its me...its me that will determine my future.....based on actions....based on determination...
I need to keep the fire burning in me...... Please dear Lord, dont let it die.....
I feel empty,
Yet i have everything going on for me, me that will make things happen for myself and my family.....
I am ridiculous to think that someone else will be able to fill my emptiness....
someone else i dont even know....someone else that wouldnt even care....
Its me...its me that will determine my future.....based on actions....based on determination...
I need to keep the fire burning in me...... Please dear Lord, dont let it die.....
Sunday, May 10, 2009
The beautifull mind....
"If i have a thousand ideas a year, and only one turns out to be good, im satisfied" so says Alfred Nobel....
A myriad of ideas... human creativity..its a gift... breaking away from the norm from established patterns, creating something new....
an imaginative dreamer...and then switching back to rational, mundane normal thinking is a must...
the light and dark sides of creativty is obvious ..creative people are often possesed by their creativity....
whatver, however lets believe that creativity is among the best expects of human existence...
No its not about me... things shouldnt be... however it should be about pride and dignity....
nahhh not suppose make sense................ things i want to remember and remind myself about...
test 1,2,3....;)
A myriad of ideas... human creativity..its a gift... breaking away from the norm from established patterns, creating something new....
an imaginative dreamer...and then switching back to rational, mundane normal thinking is a must...
the light and dark sides of creativty is obvious ..creative people are often possesed by their creativity....
whatver, however lets believe that creativity is among the best expects of human existence...
No its not about me... things shouldnt be... however it should be about pride and dignity....
nahhh not suppose make sense................ things i want to remember and remind myself about...
test 1,2,3....;)
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